*When you login into the REPUBLIK MEDIA APP.... Click on the tool bar where the red arrow is pointing at after the home 🏡 symbol, and you will see TRENDING CHALLENGES then click on any of the video 📷 clips there and vote.... There are 10 votes given per day.... May Common sense direct you on what to do.... Nobody taughts me.... I was already doing it before my REPUBLIK MEDIA APP upline taughts his downliners just one's and I reposted it here and since then I have being explaining it Over again and again and some persons will still be asking me the same questions.... You don't need to be asking me questions Upon questions on my inbox 📥.... If you are in VIP FORUM.... Just throw your questions there and I will either respond or someone else will....* *Take REPUBLIK MEDIA APP so much seriously 😒😳😒.... Try your possible best to recruit a lot of persons into it by creating awareness about it.... You can Only do so much well in the App when you are determined to supersedes me in the App* *GOOD LUCK 🤞*