1999: Encounter with Destiny!
2000: Heaven on Earth!
2001: From Glory to Glory!
2002: What Wisdom is This!
2003: All Things are Possible!
2004: Showers of Blessings!
2005: Possessing your Possessions!
2006: Destined to Win!
2007: More than Conquerors!
2008: Manifestation of The Sons of God!
2009: Hour of Restoration!
2010: Breakthroughs Unlimited!
2011: Waves of Glory!
2012: Double Portion!
2013: Exceeding Grace!
2014: Heaven on Earth!
2015: From glory to Glory!
2016: My Case is Different!
2017: New Dawn!
2018: Dominion!
2019: Breaking Limits!
2020: Turnaround Encounters!
2021: More Than A Conqueror!
2022: Covenant Highway!
Get ready because you're Redeemed to flourish in hard times and always!
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